The Black Phoebe is the black and white object in the center of the top of the tree, and the hummer is just above him to the left, although he looks like a leaf. He flew off right after I took this image, as did the phoebe. The moon is…well, you know. I took this shot on a walk in my neighborhood a few days ago.
I recently gave a binder with the photos from the book to a very special office, and I was there the other day and posed with the binder. The office is filled with great photography books, as well as some vintage prints, such as the one in the background of the Brooklyn Bridge.
4/8/14, night, Westwood at the right, Century City at the left. The Brentwood foothills in the foreground. Funny, the day before, I took a shot of this scene during the day. I cropped it to match the night scene. At the time, I thought, why am I taking this picture. That’s the thing about photography. You never know when some image will find a use. Then, this morning, the fog presented itself, the third in the series I didn’t know I was making.
The red planet is in the center of the frame at the top. You can see Westwood in the center at the bottom and to the far left, Century City. I went for a vertical this time.