Mathew Tekulsky with MLK book

The Martin Luther King Mitzvah

Mathew Tekulsky's novel is a timeless story of two kids who defy the odds, unite a town, and make a brave stand against discrimination.

A visit to Bel Air Camera

A photographer has to visit the camera store from time to time. Gintaras Korsakas was kind enough to take this picture of me with the cover of my book Backyard Bird Photography on my computer screen the other day.”Gintas” is a professional photographer who works at Bel Air Camera, and he sold me the gear I used for my book. He also gives me great tips on photography as well. IMG_5633bel_air_camera_gary_fong_test_gintas_korsakas_mathew_tekulsky_e

Backyard Bird Photography article for Birding Business Magazine

The nice folks at this publication have asked me to write an article for them based on my book Backyard Bird Photography, featuring two photographs, one of an Allen’s Hummingbird at an oriole feeder and one of the “blind” inside my house, from which I photograph the birds. Thanks to Lauren Burnstein, my publicist at Skyhorse Publishing, for setting this up for me, and to Ray David, publisher of Birding Business Magazine, for supporting my efforts. It will be in their summer issue. You can subscribe to this magazine at their website.

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