Pausing between shots and just reveling at the magic of butterflies. You can see some butterflies at lower left, just past my lens. I took up the challenge to provide the photographs for my book THE ART OF BUTTERFLY GARDENING myself. It was very hard work in the heat and I couldn’t keep up with all the excitement of each shot. But I did it.
My new books are due out together in April. This was a real neat job to do, especially the photography of the butterflies which I really enjoyed. I hope they have success out there in the wild world of publishing.
This really was fun. They are so beautiful, and quiet. Here I am in action with my macro lens. In the first photo, the butterflies are at the right, on the flowers.
David (signing the book) with his publisher Gordon Goff at a book party in Santa Monica last night. A few celebrities were there, but this was the main show.And finally, one with Dave and me, and the book.
#1 Black-eyed Susan (Rudbekia hirta)? at upper left corner; Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) below that; E. “Flame Thrower” in bottom right corner; pink and purple star clusters in the middle; #3 star clusters; #5 Mexican heather (Cuphea hyssopifolia)