Here’s my friend, photographer David Hume Kennerly, posing for me on the spur of the moment. Sometimes the best photos occur that way. Click here to check out his book DAVID HUME KENNERLY ON THE IPHONE, published by Goff Books.
This was a great day and a long time ago, when I was using color slide film. The John Burroughs Association was very kind to show my Backyard Bird Photography book here and even print a photo of yours truly. Wake-Robin is the newsletter of the JBA, and this is the Winter 2015 issue.
While I was photographing the Hooded Oriole yesterday, I heard the parakeets taking off from down the street. I went outside and panned the camera along with the birds, just catching them in time. I like the trees at the left, gives it a feeling a space, yet it’s contained. Two panoramas below. You can see them moving from right to left as they get closer to the trees.