Portraits where I look at the books
I hope these are effective. I think you can see my affection for these titles.
I hope these are effective. I think you can see my affection for these titles.
Nice to see a fellow artist appreciating your work, isn’t it? Alain was checking out the book for the first time. Later, he agreed to pose with the book.
Two different crops.
My friend Mike Toth is a great woodturner, and he was very charming in his support for THE ART OF HUMMINGBIRD GARDENING, wanting to have his photo taken with me. Our friend, artist Alain Andre Moreau, took the photo with Mike’s iPhone. Then Mike took a photo of me. It was fun, can’t you tell?
It’s good to have friends like Alain who are generous in spirit and want to help. Alain is a great artist in his own right. For instance, he’s done album covers for B.B. King, among others.
And one more portrait, for good measure. I’m working here with my Canon 100mm macro lens, opened up to f/2.8. It works very well on butterflies, too.