The book is just out so I like to make a portrait right away.
The book is just out so I like to make a portrait right away.
David (signing the book) with his publisher Gordon Goff at a book party in Santa Monica last night. A few celebrities were there, but this was the main show.
And finally, one with Dave and me, and the book.
First, at the trailhead. Along the trail. Then: Sometimes breaking the rules works. Even though I’m looking out of frame, the power of the desert landscape balances this out and creates a sense of drama in the photo.
Here’s my friend, photographer David Hume Kennerly, posing for me on the spur of the moment. Sometimes the best photos occur that way. Click here to check out his book DAVID HUME KENNERLY ON THE IPHONE, published by Goff Books.
I’m putting some of these portraits together for my nice publicity person at Skyhorse Publishing. Tilley hat; black hat; tan hat. Which is best?
I did this last September. You can see my right arm holding the cable release to take the photo. It was tough to center it. Talk to the camera.